Rillettes De Porc

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Remove the pork rind, ribs, bones from the pork breast. Rub meat on all sides with crushed sea salt mixed with 1 pinch each of the above pulverized kitchen herbs + spices. Wrap it in a dish and let it rest for 2 hours. Then cut into cubes of about 3 cm edge length. Melt 75 g of flomen and fry the pieces of meat in it very gently on all sides. Make sure that they roast really evenly and that you get a clear white lard. With a slotted spoon, fish out the bacon and meat cubes that have turned golden. Pour off the lard. Chop the grams or put them through a meat grinder. Put them back into the bowl and add 1 glass of water. Cook at a very moderate temperature for 7-8 hours, stirring and constantly replacing the evaporating water. At the end, all the moisture should have evaporated. Remove from heat and season with paprika. Add the previously drained lard again, stirring frequently to cool. Fill into earthenware pots of about 1/2 liter capacity, pressing firmly until smooth to avoid air pockets. Cover with about 1 cm more lard.

For longer storage, place cooking pots in boiling water bath for about 25 minutes each.

Bocuse recommends the same preparation method for goose sillettes.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – these also stand out sic

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