Baked Dim Sum with Veal and Crab Tails

Rating: 3.60 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Finely dice the leek, roots and celery. Chop the chervil finely. Finely dice the crab tails. Put veal farce, diced crayfish tails and all other ingredients in a sufficiently large bowl, mix with salt and ground pepper and season. Cut the rice sheets into quarters, brush the outside with egg white, place a heaping tsp of the farce form in the center of each. Next, press the corners together into a point and form as small bags. Place on a dish hangl form and cooled. Bake the filled dim sum at 180 degrees in hot fat for two to three minutes. The color of the rice paper should not be too dark during baking.

For the spicy dip, chop the garlic. Cut chili pepper and leek into fine rings. Mix teriyaki chili, garlic, sauce, black sesame seeds, honey and spring leek all together, marinate for about an hour and refrigerate. Arrange the baked dim sum in heated raffia baskets and bring to the table. Dip in a separate dish.

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