Basic Recipe for Homemade Yogurt – Probiotic

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Heat the milk to 36-40 °C. Mix in skim milk powder to make the yogurt nice and firm, and add the soluble fiber Gummar Ht Form.

Pour two finger widths of the warm mixture into the yogurt container and mix in the LaBiDa 197 yogurt culture, add the remaining milk, place in the yogurt maker for 14 hours.


Bacteria and viruses are less susceptible to attack in people with a zest for life, our immune system is very strongly linked to the soul. But also sporting activities and above all a healthy diet support our defense.

For some time now, so-called probiotic (“for life”) foods have been under discussion, which specifically stimulate the immune system via the intestines.

These are mainly yogurts with extraordinarily valuable lactic acid bacteria. These improve the metabolic processes in the intestines, ensure healthy intestinal flora and support digestion.

Tip: The higher the fat content in yogurt, the more aromatic and creamy the result!

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