Brown and Green Cabbage – Spring Cabbage

Rating: 3.20 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Brown and green cabbage – Brassica oleracea L. convar. Acephala (Dc.) Alef. subvar. Laciniata – East Frisian Palm Kale is a non-heading leafy cabbage whose leaves are often decoratively crinkled and, in the case of the brown cabbage, red to purple in color. There are low, semi-high and tall varieties. In the winter months, it provides an excellent vegetable whose flavor is improved and refined by freezing. In this process, corn starch is transformed into sugar, and the leaves become really aromatic. They are picked individually from the stalk. Finely chopped, they are mixed in leaf salads, chopped leaves make a delicious and rich vegetable when boiled or possibly steamed. It tastes especially good with mashed potatoes with beef, bacon or possibly sausage.

The ancient Romans already appreciated curly leaf cabbage, which indicates its origin in the Mediterranean region. A woodcut by Leonhart Fuchs from 1543 shows a loosely leafed high cabbage form under the name “curly cabbage”, which is probably a green cabbage. The German Royer praises only times of the 17-th century exceptionally the native brown cabbage kinds, “as which the white main cabbage, which Gesundheit anlanget, it far before does.” Kale has a very high content of proteins, minerals and vitamins and was also known as a medicinal plant.

Feather cabbage – Brassica oleracea L. convar. Acephala (Dc.) Alef.

cultivar. Sabellica L. f. Selenisia The feather

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