French Style Purslane.

Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Wash a bowl full of picked purslane leaves, boil them a few times in boiling salted water, drain them on a sieve and sweat them for a few minutes in a casserole with hot olive oil or butter, a little bit of parsley and a small piece of finely chopped pepper, salt, garlic and nutmeg, then add grated white bread and a little bit of beef broth soaked in beef broth or hot milk, Add grated white bread soaked in beef broth or hot milk and a little bit of beef broth, let the vegetables cook for a quarter of an hour, sprinkle with two or three egg yolks, arrange on a baking dish, sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese and grated white bread on top, drizzle butter on top and let the purslane bake or gratinate on a tripod in the oven from the top until golden brown.

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