
Rating: 1.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 7.0 (servings)



Clean the sheep’s stomach properly and put it in cold salt water for one night.

Turn the rough side out. Boil the heart, the mushroom and the liver in a saucepan and simmer for 1 1/2 hours.

Spread the oatmeal on a baking sheet or tray and toast in the oven under the broiler.

Chop the cooked giblets or grind them.

Mix all ingredients with the fat, season with salt and season with pepper. Mix the mixture with offal cooking water, it should be well moistened.

Fill the stomach sack only a little bit over half, because the mixture still swells. Sew up the stomach thoroughly and place it in hot water.

When the stuffing starts to swell, pierce the stomach with a knitting needle to prevent it from bursting. Cook for three hours.

Offer mashed potatoes and beetroot porridge (the notorious one) as additional dishes.

In my opinion, it is fitting to finish this meal with a malt whisky. An Islay malt or a Talisker would be well suited.

Source (very loosely translated): Traditional Scottish Cookery Margaret Fairlie

Serving Suggestion: This dish is served on Burns’ Anniversary, January 25, and St.

Andrew’s Day, November 30, carried aloft on a silver tray by a Highlander in full Highland Dress, preceded by a piper playing a national air.

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