Rack of Lamb with Schupfnudeln

Rating: 3.74 / 5.00 (91 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Saddle of lamb:


Tomato foam:


For the rack of lamb with Schupfnudeln boil potatoes in their skins and let them steam out at 150 °C in the oven for about 20 minutes, peel and press them.

Knead with semolina, yolk, flour, some salt and potato starch to a smooth dough. Let rest briefly. Dust the work surface and hands with potato starch and divide the dough into small portions of equal size.

Shape these into small rolls with tapered ends. Cook Schupfnudeln in plenty of salted water over low heat for about 4 minutes.

Remove with a sieve scoop and place in a pan with foamed butter. Halve cherry tomatoes crosswise, cut cleaned young onions into rings. Add to the Schupfnudeln and glaze in the butter. Season with salt, pepper and thyme.

Cut tomatoes into small pieces and puree. Hang in a kitchen towel over a bowl and let drain overnight. Boil down tomato juice to about 150 ml, add cream and continue to boil down to about 250 ml liquid, remove from heat and let dried tomatoes steep in it for about 20 minutes.

Season saddle of lamb with salt and pepper and coat with mustard. Sear all over in olive oil, add butter and rosemary and place in 160 °C oven for about 6 minutes, basting again and again with own butter juice.

Remove and let rest until warm. Cut the fillets and arrange on the Schupfnudeln. Serve saddle of lamb with Schupfnudeln and foamed tomato sauce.

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