Standard Rec: Aspic, Jelly

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For 1/2 L aspic:


Aspic, jelly: for coating cold fish, for fish aspic. For aspic, the soup must be freed from all impurities. Pour the fish broth through a fine sieve lined with nettle cloth or possibly through filter paper into a suitable bowl. Refrigerate for several hours to allow suspended solids to settle. Pour the soup into a saucepan, taking care to retain any cloudy residue. Add Madeira or possibly port wine, season the soup and add vinegar, salt and pepper if needed, aspic can be spicy-sour.

Soak gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes. In the meantime, heat the fish stock, but do not make. Squeeze the soaked gelatine, stir into the hot fish stock and cool. For coating fish dishes and for aspic, the aspic must be used before it becomes stiff.

You can clarify the clear soup if an exceptionally clear jelly is desired: Warm the fish broth slightly. Whip the egg whites until semi-stiff, add them to the clear soup with the washed, crushed egg shell, and whisk until bubbling, whisking continuously on high. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes until the egg white skin, which has absorbed all the impurities, cracks and the clear clear soup is revealed. Pour the clear soup through a sieve lined with several layers of nettle cloth or through filter paper.

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